Hong Kong operator HKBN has launched a fibre broadband bundle with the new iPad Pro. Residential customers who subscribe to a fibre broadband service plan will receive discounts of up to HKD 2,300 in discount, as well as 1-year of free Apple TV+ service content that comes with the new iPad Pro, free broadband installation, and 12-day access to the HKBN Travel Pocket Wi-Fi data roaming service.
Residential customers who subscribe to HKBN’s 100Mbps or 1,000Mbps fibre broadband plans can purchase various iPad models and access up to HKD 2,300 in discounts together with Apple TV+, free broadband installation and pocket Wi-Fi data roaming service. Existing residential customers can also purchase standalone iPad models at special prices by calling a special number. HKBN also reports that special iPad offers are also available for its enterprise customers.