As expected Xiaomi unveiled a true wireless headset for India today the Redmi Earbuds S. Despite the name change, they are the same as the Redmi AirDots S from earlier this year. Xiaomi also brought a new charger and a Precision Screwdriver.
The Redmi Earbuds S have a total play time of 12 hours (including the battery in the case), the buds alone are good for 4 hours of play time. They are IPX4 rated, i.e. sweat and splash proof so you can take them on a run in the rain.
These connect over Bluetooth 5.0 and feature a low-latency mode (122ms). If youre using a new MIUI phone, the buds will pair seamlessly the first time you open the box. Theres what Xiaomi calls DSP Environmental Noise Cancellation, but thats just in-call cancellation and not true ANC.
The Earbuds S will become available at noon, May 27, and you will be able to find them at, and retail outlets, the price is INR 1,800.
The new 18W Mi charger has two USB-A ports and uses Qualcomms Quick Charge 3.0 tech instead of USB Power Delivery. Its currently INR 600, but it looks like the MSRP is INR 800. Its already available on
As for the Xiaomi Precision Screwdriver, thats not quite ready yet, but you can participate in a crowdfunding campaign and get it at a price of INR 1,000 (thats 33% off its regular price). Its already funded half of the way and will almost certainly reach its goal. Shipping starts soon too, July 1.